
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Blog 1: Our Ocean's 2016

Through a grant provided by the Waitt Foundation of California, the OUR OCEAN 2016 project  will aim to increase community capacity and understanding  of marine ecosystems and the benefits of  marine protected and community managed areas for marine ecosystems
During our 12 month project, we will launch an island-wide Community Awareness Program. This program will provide education and about coral reef ecosystems, including ecosystems functions, threats faced and how they impact livelihoods and socio economic development, and marine management techniques such as community managed areas, marine protected areas and aquaculture programs that strengthen alternative income generation schemes.
Our community awareness team will also continue their program in 12 schools, 6 Government Primary Schools and 6 Secondary Schools, on the topics of  “Mangroves and Shoreline” and “Oceans and Reefs”.
We will also highlight successful community management programs such as the Fisheries Special Management Areas (SMAs).  Ovaka was the first SMA established in Vava’u and derives its success from the strength of the community committee that manages the coastal waters surrounding Ovaka. We will use this case study will be used to highlight the progress of the SMA and the commitments made by both Fisheries and communities. We hope this case study will assist other communities in their SMA process.
Other activities under the program include ocean themed events, habitat mapping and design of resource materials such as posters that will assist people and highlight the information gathered from this project. 

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