living on an outer island can make sustainability harder to achieve on some levels, especially areas such as waste management, sustainable foods (not having to rely on overseas products in town) and looking after your natural resources such as coral reefs, forests and plantations.
The Japanese Government has installed a solar panel for each house on the outer islands. |
Ovaka Island is situated to the South West of the main island of Vava'u Lahi, near to Hunga Island. Ovaka was the first island to achieve the SMA (Special Managed Area) fisheries program and is joined recently by Ta'unga.
What a beautiful place to have an SMA! |
The SMA is a program to create no take and aqua culture zones within a boundary area and restrict fishing to community access only, unless a special permit is applied for to the village. The fishing catch is also monitored and restricted to 5kg of fish per house. The southern area of Ovaka is a no take zone and within this area is the program to grow the Giant Clam species
Ovaka have also started making coconut oil for cooking as another means of income for the island and the women's group has replanted pandanas asa source of income from weaving the mats.
Sadly still too much food is from overseas and packaged in plastics. |
Some wonderful locally grown and cultivated foods. |
Hopefully as Ovaka moves into phase 2 of the SMA project they will be installing moorings for visiting yachts to be able to enjoy this piece of paradise and sustainable project in Vava'u.
Our wonderful vessel "True North" preparing for the 2020 Dubai Expo ! |
Many thanks to the crew of "True North" for taking us out to Ovaka and filming the community projects. Safe sails for your onward travel and all the best efforts for Dubai holding the Expo in 2020.